
Escort Janine

Escort in Bern - Janine
Escort in Bern - Janine
Escort in Bern - Janine
Escort in Bern - Janine
Escort in Bern - Janine
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Height (cm)167
Hair colorBlonde
Eyes colorBrown
1 hour--CHF
2 hours--CHF
Night price--CHF
Janine is a very stunning, exciting and beautiful blonde Lady with fantastic body (with sparkling brown eyes and sexy lips. She pays a lot of attention to keep and trim her slender body. She is very friendly. She loves to smile and will make you fall in love straight away. She perfectly knows how to get a gentleman round to pamper him very well. Her delicate voice and touch is unforgettable. She would entertain you with pleasure. You will enjoy her presence every minute. She is an outstanding courtesan with level, charm and style. Especially, she loves to be dressed elegantly and appropriate to any occasion. Also she is interested in many topics and the perfect concubine for a real demanding gentleman who is seeking a lady with class in private and a hot cat in private.
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